Thai Media Suckkk!!!!

Biased TV stations intensify divides in Thailand protests : csmonitor

Red-shirted protesters in cars, pickup trucks, and motorbikes snaked around the Thai capital on Saturday, the latest in a series of antigovernment demonstrations. Police estimated that 65,000 people had joined the convoy, which stretched for several miles.
But viewers of Thailand’s TV stations, the most popular source of news, were told that 25,000 attended. As usual, pictures of protesters were bracketed by statements from government officials. No airtime was given to ordinary protesters. And last week when protesters dumped blood at the prime minister's office and home, pro-government media hyped up the health risks and the ethics of wasting human blood, while antigovernment media focused on the symbolism of Thais willing to shed blood for the cause.

That's not crazy but its real happened in Thailand for now. Almost Thai Media attemped to propaganda Thai people by Cheap Dirty Tactic, they plotted it for long time before red shirt group run to Bangkok, but it wasted time, More than 50% of Bangkokrian came from another part of Thailand, no doubt, most of them absolutely supported Red Shirt Group.