Thailand crash !

Friday, Jun 01, 2007, Page 1

More than 1,000 die-hard supporters of ousted Thai prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra yesterday protested a stunning court ruling that banned his party and barred its entire leadership from politics for five years, saying the military-appointed tribunal lacked legitimacy.

"This is a fight by the people who are rejecting the judiciary's power," said Veera Musigapong, a former deputy leader of Thaksin's Thai Rak Thai party and one of the 111 leading party members, including Thaksin, banned from politics by Wednesday's ruling.

"As someone who was personally affected, I am not accepting the decision of the tribunal which was set up by the coup leaders and their illegitimate power," Veera said.

Blog master said... I don't believe that it's true , it's really worse case , to dissolved Thai rak Thai it's not bad but they baned 111 politicians from the politics for 5 years its really mad , they will be Thai politics go to hell.

Party leader Chaturon Chaisaeng said yesterday that a new Thai Rak Thai would try to register under the same name while its banned executives would attempt to engage in political activities short of running for office.

He said that the group hoped to meet Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont on Monday to ask him to revoke a ban on all political activities by parties that was imposed following a bloodless coup last September that ousted Thaksin.

Surayud has promised to lift the ban in September and hold general elections in December.

Thaksin, who now resides in London, sent a handwritten letter to his party and supporters, urging them to continue their political activities for the benefit of the country.

Thailand facing uncertainty after court ruling

BANGKOK: Thailand's ailing democracy faced more uncertainty Thursday after a constitutional court shut down the political party of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra and barred him and 110 other party executives from politics for five years.

The ruling late Wednesday abruptly removed country's dominant party, Thai Rak Thai, and most of its leading political figures in advance of an election scheduled for December that will redraw the political landscape.

Political analysts here said the ruling put an end for now to the political career of Thaksin, the country's most popular politician. He remains abroad after being deposed in a nonviolent coup last Sept. 19 while he was in New York.

The nine-judge constitutional court in effect ratified the coup, convicting the party and its executives of manipulating an election in April 2006 in what it called an attempt "to achieve totalitarian power."

Echoing the harsh criticism of his critics, it said Thaksin's party "shows no respect for the rule of law, which is the key to the democratic system."

Blog master said.... It's double standard for decision between Thai rak Thai and Democrat and they would broke in the basic rule of Law they can't used the new section which have been proclaim after that wrong doing to retrospect to harmful for someone. Thai politics would be in the dark , Junta would be in trouble for referendum of news constitution , Thais will be used this chance to show that how do they feel about this silly scene to against the coup. It's closed the door for the peace to happy ending in Thailand.

Thailand: Military-Backed Government Censors Internet

Blocking Cyber Dissidents Obstructs Return to Democracy

(New York, May 24, 2007) - Thailand's military-backed government is undermining free political debate and delaying the return to democracy by barring access to many political websites, Human Rights Watch said today.

Since the current government came to power after a September 2006 coup against Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, Thai authorities have been active in silencing cyber critics and dissidents. This is in stark contradiction to Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont's pledges to create an atmosphere conducive to democratization and political reform.

"A major complaint about Thaksin was his muzzling of the media and willingness to limit free speech," said Brad Adams, Asia director at Human Rights Watch. "The military-backed government promised a quick return to democracy, but it's now attacking freedom of expression and political pluralism in ways that Thaksin never dared."

Blog master........ Thai 's media shut up their mounts , they haven't been shown something that they were professional media , many guru of them had got the reward from the coup at all for help the coup to topple Thaksin. It's really media tyrant.

Censorship of the internet is now being carried out by the Ministry of Information and Communications Technology (MICT) and the Royal Thai Police, in collaboration with the Communications Authority of Thailand (CAT) and the Telecommunication Authority (TOT), which provide Thailand's international internet gateways. Since the coup, the MICT has employed around-the-clock "watchers" to monitor content on the internet to find information considered to be offending the monarchy (a criminal offense in Thailand punishable by up to 15 years imprisonment), threatening national security, disrupting public order, or being obscene.

Based on this continuous surveillance, officials from the MICT and the Royal Thai Police have distributed names of websites, both domestic and foreign, to government and private internet service providers (ISPs), telling the ISPs to block access to blacklisted websites.

Many of the blocked websites were established in opposition to the September 19, 2006 coup and the subsequent role of the military in Thai politics. Websites blocked include the September 19 Network ( and ) and websites known to be supportive of Thaksin and his Thai Rak Thai party, such as the online telecast of PTV television ( ), the online broadcast of Saturday Voice ( and ) and the online broadcast of FM 87.75 Taxi Community Radio ( ). Hosts of popular political blogs used among cyber critics and dissidents, such as BlogSpot ( ), have also been blocked by some ISPs.

Internet users attempting to access blocked websites encounter either an "Access Denied" message, are redirected to the MICT website, or receive a notice with the MICT's logo saying that access to such websites has been blocked due to "inappropriate content" ( ).

The MICT has also blocked anonymous proxy servers through which Thai internet users can access a blocked webpage. The ministry has requested Google Thailand ( ) and to block access to its cached web pages in Thailand by which blocked pages can be accessed, as well as to block by keyword search.

Blog master........ It's shame , I don't believe that minister of MICT which came from Mahanakorn Institute of Technology that dared to run all these measure.

In addition, Thai authorities are monitoring critical opinions and debates on popular opinion boards of Prachathai ( ) and ( ). They have issued warnings to both websites that they, too, would be shut down if they failed to remove opinions critical of the military junta.

"The military and government are clearly worried that Thaksin may return to power and are engaging in censorship to stop this," said Adams. "But instead of resorting to draconian restrictions on free speech, the Thai authorities need to realize that their promised return to democracy requires opening the political process."

The coup leaders, now known as the Council for National Security (CNS), made their intentions to control the internet known soon after the coup by issuing Order Number 5/2549, which authorized the MICT to shut down internet sites for posting inaccurate content and material deemed to be harming government reform efforts.

On September 29, 2006, access to a leading non-formal education center, the Midnight University website ( ) - which recorded more than half a million visitors per month from all over the world, thousands of articles and discussion boards - was temporarily blocked after its staff held a protest against the coup. Access to the Midnight University website was possible again only after its staff obtained a temporary restraining order from the Administrative Court ordering the MICT to unblock their website.

On November 15, 2006, the government introduced a draft law to criminalize the generation, possession, storage, dissemination of and access to prohibited information on the internet. The Bill on Computer-Related Offenses passed its first reading on the same date. On May 9, 2007, the legislation was quickly passed in the second and third readings by an overwhelming 119-1 vote by members of the National Legislative Assembly. The law provides broad powers to officials appointed by the MICT minister to intercept and seize computer data, and seek court warrants to block the dissemination of information on the internet if such information is considered as a threat to national security according to the Penal Code. The law carries harsh penalties for those found guilty of offenses, including a penalty of up to five years of imprisonment and/or a fine of up to 100,000 baht (US$2,700). Lawyers, internet and media professionals, and bloggers fear that in a tense political environment, these provisions could easily be misused by the authorities against political opponents and critics of military rule.

Human Rights Watch said that freedom of expression and pluralism, including tolerance of dissenting views, is vital if Thailand wants to be a rights-respecting democracy. Active exchanges of peaceful ideas and opinions should be encouraged, not punished.

"Freedom of expression, including offering opinions on the internet, is an essential basis of any functioning democracy," Adams said. "Blocking critical websites resembles the behavior of China and Vietnam. Is this the company that Thailand's leaders want to keep?" From Source

Blog master said........ The last , they blocked "Shout Box" which used to conversation in little group , it's installed on many website in Thailand ,yes, the Saturday voice 's website include, MICT blocked it already. Many of young webmaster in Thailand didn't know that why MICT blocked the Shout Box server. Somebody thought that arise from dirty word which used in their chat room :)

The King concerned

The King have a speech to justice of administrative court about the case of dissolve two political party (Thai rak Thai and Democrat ) which is authority of constitutional court which appointed by military junta. They have to sentence these case in 30 May among the political tension , rumor about the conflict of Junta and the coup maker , between the coup maker and their allies which have want to destroy the root of Thaksin with the head of Junta which believed that they compromised with Thaksin. (It may be just a rumor)

H.M. the King would try to hint about these case particularly , and say that if the justice of constitutional court misrepresent that Thailand may be collapse, It 's mean that the ex-speech to the justice of administrative at last year , it may be misrepresent , because after that it 's brought to cancel the election result of 2 April , and ran the measure to pressure to the election committee to resign. In Thailand , H.M. the King can't intervene to the politics but may be suggest for something like that which have want to show to the public.

31 May : People 's power of Thailand

31 May 2005 , all anti-coup groups and PTV will be pack all together for show their power. They have appointed to rally at Lan Pra Roop it 's near to Dusit Palace.

Local news reported that 2 - 3 star Hotal in Bangkok were booked by people which come from many provinces to assembly for this event. The press was identify that Thai politicians back up for them and try to do every things for pressure to Constitution court to sentence in the historical political case in 30 May.

The coup maker and PAD allies would be dissolve Thai rak Thai party , they think that it 's to be useful to destroy political base of Thaksin and his allies , But it 's not easy. For the situation of The coup maker , they have been isolate because their behavior and the query about their transparency for many case, the last , the core of coup maker had tried to forced the Junta to sell the IRPC 's share back to the business man who supported them to stage a coup in lower than the market price, but the Junta isn't allow. Now , the IRPC became to the State Enterprises which hold by many of government funds.

It 's clear that why The coup maker and PAD allies would have to engage with The Junta.

It 's really the conflict of interest Coup.

PTV Rally to Democracy monument , Junta blocked website

Yesterday , The PTV Group which campaign against to the coup. They started to hydepark at Sanamluang Square in 18.00 (local time) , they have people to ally them about 10,000 up. After that they are rally to the Democracy monument and open stage to hydepark from there.

Saturday Voice Anti-coup group did live from there also via their internet radio station, but it was blocked by Information and comm. tech. ministry later. ICT also have blocked all website that support to Thaksin since last night until now. And surprise ICT blocked the shoutbox element service also , because people who anti Junta used it via to communication among themselves but they have changed to used MSN instead , I don't know that when will ICT block it.

Junta are working so hard to block all information from people because Anti coup groups appointed to big rally in the end of this month and the constitution court will judge a case to dissolve two big Partys at 30 May. The political tension will near to climax and mix with the news about the conflict inside the military.

Thaksin telephone in Saturday voice Radio , Last night

Surprise at Last night , Thaksin did phone from London to talk with DJ of Saturday Voice radio program its via internet only. He bade the vitality and morale to Thais who fighting for Democracy , he did concerned about many of his policies which useful for Thais it was gave up by military junta. He didn't talk about the plan to comeback to the politics. That 's short time to interview.

Saturday Voice radio program established by the anti - coup group called Saturday Voice which their movement doing for democracy in Thailand to topple feudalism which the aim is Gen.Prem the chief of privy council who supported the military to stage a coup last year. They campaign for petition to the King to discharge him from the privy council.

: Link about Saturday voice may be crash, sometime its was blocked by Junta.

UPDATE sorry for them...This is Thailand.

Radio station closed after Thaksin speaks

A small Bangkok radio station was raided and closed on Thursday after it broadcast a live interview with former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who lives in exile in London, a senior government official said.

Broadcast regulators filed a complaint to the police after FM 87.75 ran a live interview with Thaksin in its morning show, accusing it of broadcasting without a license and airing content that undermined the national security, the official said.

"When we arrived at the station, they all ran away and took away their transmitter. So the station is now closed," Public Relations Department chief Pramoj Rathavinij, who supervises all radio stations in Thailand, told Reuters.

Colonel Thanathip Sawangsaeng, a coup council spokesman, told reporters FM 87.75 had to be closed because it was airing content that could "instigate unrest" and "bring instability" to the country.

Thaksin made two calls to the station late on Wednesday and Thursday asking about the impact of a quake in northern Laos which rattled Bangkok and thanking his supporters, Thai newspaper Web sites reported.

It was the first time Thaksin had spoken on a Thai radio station since he was ousted in a bloodless coup last September.

Despite repeated announcements he would not return to politics, Thaksin has never been out of the public eye for long.

Shortly after his ouster, Thaksin hired an American public relations firm to help him counter accusations of running a corrupt government.

His supporters have opposed the military-installed government through street rallies and Web sites.

On Thursday, Thaksin also called two other community radio stations, which have limited range, urging reconciliation, the anti-coup site reported. There was no immediate word on whether they had been closed.

"Today's darkness won't last long. When democracy returns to Thailand, all lights will brighten up your life," he was quoted as saying on one of the stations.

Blog master said... It 's double standard !!! The radio of PAD 92.25 FM which try to raise to confrontation all the time but it 's happy to release that its since 19 coup. Is this called FOR UNITY ?

Police found The explosive material in Bangkok

Yesterday, the police did go through the room in apartment on the east of Bangkok , they found the power gel bomb and another material of its , also they found the fillet prints "liberate" and armlets its belong to P.A.D. This room is belong to nephew of Pean Yongnu the core of P.A.D. and core of E.G.A.T labor union. For the own room is still escape.

This is special phenomenon for Unseen Thailand , all time in the past for many bomb explode in Bangkok , nobody was arrested.

After these case , the night bomb was happened near to the King's Palace and Pean Youngnu did go to petition to relive the PM of Junta for last week.

I think it 's stem from the first case because its challenge to somebody , someone could bomb near to the Gen.Prem's house or wherever but not there.

Also , it seem to be sending the significant sign to all of political faction that should stop and quiet.

Constitution for the coup and feudalism

The coup 's constitution would be push to vote for referendum immediately when its finish. For many section in this constitution was designed for feudalism to reduce the politician power its their aim. This is the first aim before , but the situation has been change. For the section about the judge can intervene the power of the authority and the lawmaker when the political dead lock , its was bomb from many political faction , particularly reaction from the court. They released the officially comment that they don't want to involve to the political conflict in the future. The constitution draft team did lose face on this case very much.

For 299 section , It was designed for amnesty to the coup and all action which happened since 19 coup for every guilty that they did. This case is necessary, if this section was cut off then the coup may stage a coup again. Nobody know that how much money did the coup spend for special allowance. You know, the ex coup leader , when he died , he left the portion about 100 million USD (its 15 years ago). He didn't have a business. Where is the money from ?
Now , we are lucky, we have a money laundry laws , but this section could be help them from their guilty.

They have been invest for this coup by their honour and everything that they have. They don't surrender simply.

People's Alias for Democracy act for dictatorship

The Assembly of Isaan People will hold a rally in Roi Et before the end of the month in the hope that the junta will eventually agree to its demand to dismiss Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont, protest leader Chaiwat Sinsuwong said yesterday.

"The assembly has reached a consensus that Surayud must go, although members have differing opinions on ways to drive him out office," Chaiwat said.

He said some assembly members did not want to rally, although the majority deemed it necessary to back up their demand.

He voiced optimism that junta leader General Sonthi Boonyaratglin might agree to remove Surayud, despite his rejection of the demand on Tuesday.

"Just as Sonthi repeatedly denied that he was preparing to stage a coup before September 19, a change of prime minister might happen any day," he said. Chaiwat added after the dismissal of Surayud, he was ready to name five candidates as possible replacements.

He dismissed the allegation that his assembly was a puppet of the People's Alliance for Democracy, the leading anti-Thaksin group which soon became disillusioned with Surayud's leadership. From Here

Blog master said.... "The Assembly of Isaan People" Never heard it before , but I know him "Chaiwat Sinsuwong" , he is a divine of Santi Asoke its the same group of PAD which exiled Thaksin in last year.

1. They think that PM of Junta may be compromise with Thaksin. So, they would have to do everything for stop it. They (all of their faction) are afraid of Thaksin to revenge them when he come back to the politics. They would be fighting for survive , after the secret agreement had done among Thaksin with the VIP , the role of them would be drop out , for this time they have just like a dust to exclude them from the stage , can't do anything. Don't do anything, they have not the remote control.

2. Or , the capitalist who supported the coup may be used to pressure to PM of Junta for buy his share back from the government in the cheap price which PM of Junta would not be allowed.

It 's complicated, the NGO its called PAD (people 's alliance of democracy) , but they are acting for dictatorship. What's happen ?

Low Support for Thaksin's Return to Thailand

(Angus Reid Global Monitor) - Very few people in Thailand would welcome Thaksin Shinawatra’s return to the country, according to a poll by ABAC. Only 16 per cent of respondents think the deposed prime minister should go back immediately to help solve problems, such as the current the economic slowdown.

Conversely, 24 per cent of respondents believe Thaksin should not return because this could spark episodes of violence in the unstable nation, while 23 per cent think the deposed prime minister should wait at least a couple of years before considering going back to his country. (From Here)

Blog master said.... About Poll in Thailand , we have two poll which famous , Dusit Poll and ABAC Poll , but Dusit Poll did stop to release the result of political article before 19 coup , chief of Dusit poll 've ever told that he didn't want to report it because the result 'd shown that social thinking was separated , he didn't want to go round for it.

For ABAC Poll, its different, they are still report it almost daily, they reported that 90% in Thailand supported the coup , or something like that almost of Thais hate Thaksin. :)

I don't believe it , if Thais don't want Thaksin anymore why coup leader and the allies (this poll would be also) will have to be afraid of Thaksin to comeback. They can't get rid of the influence of Thaksin. So, they have got the news about the man who behind the scene compromise with Thaksin already. They would have to try to turn the tide to stage a coup twice. But they are not sure yet that who will win because of military was separated from the coup assured, the another military which under control by the man who behind the scene would keep watch on the coup leader's troop for block them.

The Bomb was near to The Palace last night.

Last night, the bomb was blow up in Rajavithi Road near to The Palace of the King , Police officer said that to create a situation , it 's the same type with the bombs its was happen in several place which before and after the coup , but this bomb was near to the palace called "Suan Jitlada" , never happened before , his majesty still live in this palace , his majesty is not yet back to The "Glai gung won" Hua hin Palace.
remark ....

1. The bomb was laid in the phone booth near to the house of lady Praneedsilpa Watcharapol who is Kumpol Watcharapol's wife the holder of Thairath the most big newspaper in Thailand. Thairath it 's the influence newspaper, in later, the behavior was changed , It began to engage direct to the Junta and military coup leader further more, particularly criticize about conflict of interest in coup leaders , as the last , Gen. Saprang have got allowance from several of state enterprises , he is FULL UP. It may be cause of this bomb.

2. It was happened to opposite the Palace , where Junta and military coup was lay down the HQ troop all around the palace for security and to protect the King , and It would have installed CCTV in this area. This is mean that bomber could known better about the security in this high risk area , he is not ordinary people absolutely. CCTV in Bangkok could have never capture the bomber , It 's always nonfunctional.

So, the bomber would have try to shown something to the Public that Its have more power , or beam to the palace to request something from there. Because if the bomber want to threaten to Thairath Its would be bomb it near to the office , not to be there , may be to claim that Bangkok was pinch.

Sonthi still don't Stop

The Office of His Majesty's Principal Private Secretary has defended its chief against media mogul Sonthi Limthongkul's accusations linking the royal secretary to a key figure in the Temasek nominee controversy.

The agency said that even though the King's principal private secretary, Arsa Sarasin, is the younger brother of businessman Pong Sarasin, he "has no connections whatsoever" with the issue.

It said Sondhi made "incorrect allegations" against the royal secretary. "Sondhi's statement indicated that he failed to double-check the facts and had intended to frame and cause damage to Arsa Sarasin and the Office of His Majesty's Principal Private Secretary," read the letter sent to Thailand Dot Com Co.

The company operates the TV programme called "Yam Fao Phaendin" (Guard of the Land), on which Sondhi made the statement in question on April 27.

The letter, dated April 30, was signed by Arsa's deputy, Jitrapat Krairiksh.

Sondhi had said an amendment to the anti-corruption law passed by the National Legislative Assembly had been "stuck" for a month after being submitted for royal endorsement, and suggested the "delay" could be due to Arsa and Pong's family ties.

Pong was a major shareholder in Kularb Kaew, a company accused of acting as a nominee to Singapore's investment arm Temasek Holdings in its controversial purchase of shares of telecom giant Shin Corp from ex-PM Thaksin Shinawatra's family.

In its letter, the agency said it had received the amendment from the Cabinet secretariat on April 2 and forwarded it to the Privy Council on April 10. It received royal endorsement on April 22, after the long Songkran holiday, and was returned to the Cabinet secretariat on April 24. Source from Nation

Blog master said.... Sonthi Limthongkul said in his TV program yesterday that Mr. Arsa don't arrogate his position to protect himself by used this letter. Mr.Arsa who direct serve to the King, this is special phenomenon in Thailand , nobody have ever been dare to counter with them before.

I think he did it to save his face , if he stop then he became to the joke in public eye , his divine may be not respect him anymore. Before that in this TV program , he said that he achieved in success to duped the people to topple Thaksin but the military junta can't get rid of the root of Thaksin. This mention was transcribed to shown in his website couple days, after its had adapt to duped by military junta instead.

This case will be proof among the lie and freedom of media. I 'm waiting for other measure from Mr. Arsa to counter attack to Sonthi. I 'm push forward every day. :)

Gen.Saprang's blur !

Gen.Saprang the key man of the coup told to the press in Bangkok that he would have to send his troop to patrol with the police department in Bangkok for the security because he was informed from London's Police that they arrested the accused from the apartment in London with the terrorist handbook plan to execute in Bangkok.

I was try to search the news about it , but I 'm not found. So , I think he would got it from Saprang's intelligence unit. He didn't talk about it anymore but he hector talked to some politician that "NO MERCY" if he come back. I would try to think It 's mean "Thaksin" or who is him??? It 's the cheap trick of Thai military management style for propaganda to public by always used the politician to be victim , and He is the hero in public eyes.

Besides, Gen.Saprang who is the president of The Airports of Thailand Public Company Limited by ex offices , decided to abolish the contract of the King power of duty free public co.,ltd. who have got the concession to manage the business area in Bangkok Airport. It 's trouble certainly, because this corp would have to stop everything and demolish all of their construction to bring it from the airport suddenly. the King power duty free have to charge to Administrative court Its hard to surrender.

The King power of duty free shop have got concession from AOT in the Thaksin era , after the 19 coup in last year , the new committee board director who appointed by military junta started to investigated about contract in Suvannabhumi Airport. They were being tried to seek the evidence about corruption. For this case they had new estimated about the value of contract to force its to be wrong, they were success to find out the guilt to abolish this contract finally.

The political news of Thailand or front page of the newspaper its have to have the news about Thaksin one news at least. So, he would not try to get the media arena, but his activities could have to be the news. As the news about Thaksin is biding for share of Manchester city football team , the news about Thaksin was appointed to president of Thai - Pro golf association by its committee.

I heard that the member of Thai rak Thai Party who is member of The Thai Sugar cane association will be enter Thaksin for president of this association. I think that it 's may be have other associations in Thailand would do it also , It 's not joke for military junta faction who can't do anything , just watch these activities by puzzled and moody when they have to inform to the press about these issues. It 's mean they were humiliated to be shame around the world , leave them alone in the dark aged.

In now, Junta is changing to the Joker in the public eyes , Junta can't solve any problems , so they are making waves all the time. They are foolish sense and non experience in their job. "The Expire men" when they will be stop to destroy my country.

Technorati : , , ,

Sonthi have to declare !

I have see in the news The Office of His Majesty's Principal Private Secretary (HMPPS) announce that Mr. Sonthi Limthongkul the black media have to declare to the public and the media for the truth about the law of National counter corruption commission, by Sonthi have told in ASTV program(cable TV) that Mr. Arsa Sarasin secretary of HMPPS had try to stall to send this law to the King for endorsement , Sonthi claimed that he did it to help for Thaksin. In the announcement said that Sonthi always try to pull the King to involve in the political tension.

It 's surprised , this announcement is harsh and conform with this situation which I have ever told that Gen.Prem's Junta may be compromise with Thaksin already , and Gen.Prem's Junta may be conflict with the military coup leaders , but someone told me that It 's may be the mirage by their propaganda for exclude Gen.Prem from the coup maker.

This is the significant from the palace again , I think the palace try to show to the public that they don't want to involve in the political situation and everyone can't to use them to claim for political advantage anymore, otherwise , the palace would have send the sign direct to Mr.Sonthi that Your time is up , Stop and Shut up, before it 's too late.

Technorati : ,

Thailand's Council for National Security chairman Sonthi Boonyaratkalin on Tuesday expressed astonishment at the election of ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra as president of the Professional Golf Association of Thailand.

He said the nomination was caused by certain individuals who have problems with their thinking process, and should be admitted for mental consulting, according to the Bangkok Post's website.

Sonthi said the nomination might have something to do with Thaicom Foundation having donated some money to the golf group. The foundation, initiating the satellite education program for young children in remote areas unable to continue their education at the secondary school level, was founded by Mr. Thaksin.

However, the military leader did not reveal if the authorities will intervene the golf post of the nation.

Pongsak Raktapongpaisal, who was deputy secretary-general of the Thai Rak Thai party, said Monday Thaksin was delighted to accept the post, adding that he was suitable for the title due to his contribution to the association. Source: Xinhua

Blog master said... Oh ! Our military leader, why he spoke like that. He told that Thais would be check their thought ! , I don't understand , president of the Professional Golf Association of Thailand that came from the vote by Association's member, its not by Thais, he 's crazy because the situation in this time was change over. He would be in chaos because he was got the pressure surround , he 's in confusion , Gen.Prem leave him alone. He is not keep in mind and reveal his leadership so clear.