Friday, Jun 01, 2007, Page 1
More than 1,000 die-hard supporters of ousted Thai prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra yesterday protested a stunning court ruling that banned his party and barred its entire leadership from politics for five years, saying the military-appointed tribunal lacked legitimacy.

"This is a fight by the people who are rejecting the judiciary's power," said Veera Musigapong, a former deputy leader of Thaksin's Thai Rak Thai party and one of the 111 leading party members, including Thaksin, banned from politics by Wednesday's ruling.
"As someone who was personally affected, I am not accepting the decision of the tribunal which was set up by the coup leaders and their illegitimate power," Veera said.
Blog master said... I don't believe that it's true , it's really worse case , to dissolved Thai rak Thai it's not bad but they baned 111 politicians from the politics for 5 years its really mad , they will be Thai politics go to hell.
Party leader Chaturon Chaisaeng said yesterday that a new Thai Rak Thai would try to register under the same name while its banned executives would attempt to engage in political activities short of running for office.
He said that the group hoped to meet Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont on Monday to ask him to revoke a ban on all political activities by parties that was imposed following a bloodless coup last September that ousted Thaksin.
Surayud has promised to lift the ban in September and hold general elections in December.
Thaksin, who now resides in London, sent a handwritten letter to his party and supporters, urging them to continue their political activities for the benefit of the country.Thailand facing uncertainty after court ruling
BANGKOK: Thailand's ailing democracy faced more uncertainty Thursday after a constitutional court shut down the political party of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra and barred him and 110 other party executives from politics for five years.The ruling late Wednesday abruptly removed country's dominant party, Thai Rak Thai, and most of its leading political figures in advance of an election scheduled for December that will redraw the political landscape.
Political analysts here said the ruling put an end for now to the political career of Thaksin, the country's most popular politician. He remains abroad after being deposed in a nonviolent coup last Sept. 19 while he was in New York.
The nine-judge constitutional court in effect ratified the coup, convicting the party and its executives of manipulating an election in April 2006 in what it called an attempt "to achieve totalitarian power."

Echoing the harsh criticism of his critics, it said Thaksin's party "shows no respect for the rule of law, which is the key to the democratic system."
Blog master said.... It's double standard for decision between Thai rak Thai and Democrat and they would broke in the basic rule of Law they can't used the new section which have been proclaim after that wrong doing to retrospect to harmful for someone. Thai politics would be in the dark , Junta would be in trouble for referendum of news constitution , Thais will be used this chance to show that how do they feel about this silly scene to against the coup. It's closed the door for the peace to happy ending in Thailand.
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